August 23, 2011
The Marathon Event is held through the streets of Inner Sydney and as such, closes a number of important routes through Australia’s busiest centre.Pont3, the promoter of the Event, in consultation with the RTA and the NSW Police designed a new course which enabled a number of key streets to remain open during the Marathon. However, in order to achieve the ultimate design, a bridge would need to be placed over Park St, in the City Centre, from one side of Hyde Park to another.iEDM were approached for assistance in design and delivery of the bridge for the Marathon. Items of special consideration were:
The bridge was used by nearly 3000 Athletes and the traffic through Sydney had improved significantly due to the changes that Pont3 had designed.We would like to congratulate Pont3 for successfully managing and promoting such a world class Event. We were very proud to be associated with such a well run and prestigous Event and look forward to any opportunity to work with the group again. Details of the Event can be found at .